Montag, 2. Januar 2012

Skyrim NPCs to Marry

Female NPCs

NPC Name
Wife's Property
Conditions for Marriage
Aela the HuntressNordWhiterun (Jorrvaskr)Bed (Jorrvaskr)YesGeneralExpert ArcheryComplete the Companions Questline
AeriNordAnga’s MillAeri's HouseNoWork for her by chopping firewood
AnwenRedguardMarkarth (Temple of Dibella)NoComplete The Heart of Dibella
Avrusa SarethiDark ElfSarethi FarmNoComplete her favor
Borgakh the Steel HeartOrcMor KhazgurLarak's LonghouseYesGeneralConvince her to become a Follower
Brelyna MaryonDark ElfWinterhold (College of Winterhold)Her Dorm RoomYesGeneralComplete both her favors
Camilla ValeriusImperialRiverwood (Riverwood Traders)Riverwood TradersNoGeneralComplete The Golden Claw
Dravynea the StoneweaverDark ElfKynesgrove (Braidwood Inn)Bed (Braidwood Inn)NoWizardExpertAlterationGive Frost Salt
Ghorza gra-BagolOrcMarkarth (Blacksmith Shed)NoBlacksmithCommon SmithingComplete her favor
GilfreImperialMixwater MillGilfre's HouseNoLumberWork for her by chopping firewood
GrelkaNordRiften (Open Market)NoBlacksmithExpert Light ArmorComplete her favor
IonaNordRiften (Honeyside)YesBecome Thane of the Rift
JenassaDark ElfWhiterun (Drunken Huntsman)YesHire her at least once
Jordis the Sword-MaidenNordSolitude (Proudspire Manor)YesGeneralBecome Thane of Haafingar
LydiaNordWhiterun (Dragonsreach or Breezehome)BreezehomeYesIt is not possible to marry Lydia in-game without the use of console commands
Mjoll the LionessNordRiftenAerin's HouseYesComplete her favor by retrieving her sword, Grimsever
MuiriBretonMarkarth (Hag’s Cure)The Hag's CureNoApothecaryComplete Mourning Never Comes
Njada StonearmNordWhiterun (Jorrvaskr)YesGeneralExpert BlockComplete the Companions Questline
OrlaNordMarkarth (Temple of Dibella)NoComplete The Heart of Dibella
RiaImperialWhiterun (Jorrvaskr)YesComplete the Companions Questline
SennaBretonMarkarth (Temple of Dibella)NoGeneralComplete The Heart of Dibella
ShahveeArgonianWindhelm (Argonian Assemblage)NoComplete her favor
SylgjaNordShor’s StoneSylgja's HouseNoGeneralComplete her favor
TaarieHigh ElfSolitude (Radiant Raiments)NoClothesComplete Fit for a Jarl
Temba Wide-ArmNordIvarsteadNoComplete Grin and Bear It
Uthgerd the UnbrokenNordWhiterun (Bannered Mare)Uthgerd's HouseYesGeneralChallenge her to a brawl and win
Viola GiordanoImperialWindhelm (Candlehearth Hall)Viola Giordano's HouseNoStart Revyn Sadri’s favor but then rat him out to Viola
YsoldaNordWhiterun (Open Market)Ysolda's HouseNoGeneralBring her one Mammoth Tusk

[edit]Male NPCs

NPC Name
Husband's Property
Conditions for Marriage
AinethachBretonKarthwastenKarthwasten HallNoMinerComplete his favor
Angrenor Once-HonoredNordWindhelm (Candlehearth Hall)NoTake pity and give the beggar a gold piece
Argis the BulwarkNordMarkarth (Vlindrel Hall)YesBecome Thane of the Reach
AthisDark ElfWhiterun (Jorrvaskr)YesExpert One-HandedComplete the Companions Questline
BalimundNordRiftenThe Scorched HammerNoBlacksmithExpert SmithingComplete his favor
BelrandNordSolitude (Winking Skeever)YesHire him at least once
BenorNordMorthalYesChallenge him to a brawl and win
CalderNordWindhelm (Hjerim)YesBecome Thane of Eastmarch
CosnachBretonMarkarth (Silver-Blood Inn)YesDrunkChallenge him to a brawl and win
DerkeethusArgonianDarkwater CrossingYesFind and rescue him
Erik the SlayerNordRoriksteadYesComplete his favor to make him a hireling
FarkasNordWhiterun (Jorrvaskr)YesMaster Heavy ArmoryComplete the Companions Questline
FilnjarNordShor’s StoneFilnjar's HouseNoBlacksmithComplete Mine or Yours
Gat gro-ShargakhOrcLeft Hand Mine/Kolskeggr MinePavo's HouseNoComplete Pavo Attius’s favor to liberate Kolskeggr Mine
Ghorbash the Iron HandOrcDushnikh YalYesConvince him to become a follower
MarcurioImperialRiften (Bee and Barb)YesHire him at least once
Moth gro-BagolOrcMarkarth (Understone Keep)NoBlacksmithComplete his favor
Octieve SanBretonSolitudeNoComplete his favor
OdfelNordShor's StoneNo
OmluagBretonMarkarth (Markarth Smelter)NoComplete his favor
OnmundNordWinterhold (College of Winterhold)YesComplete his favor
Pavo AttiusImperialLeft Hand Mine/Kolskeggr MineNoComplete his favor to liberate Kolskeggr Mine
PerthBretonSoljund’s SinkholeNoComplete his favor
Quintus NavaleImperialWindhelm (The White Phial)NoApothecaryComplete Repairing the Phial
Revyn SadriDark ElfWindhelm (Sadri’s Used Wares)Sadri's Used WaresNoGeneralCommon SpeechcraftComplete his favor
Roggi Knot-BeardNordKynesgroveYesComplete his favor
Romlyn DrethDark ElfRiften (Black-Briar Meadery)Romlyn Dreth's HouseNoComplete his favor
Scouts-Many-MarshesArgonianWindhelm (Argonian Assemblage)NoCommon Light armorComplete his favor
Sondas DrenimDark ElfDarkwater CrossingNoComplete his favor
Sorex ViniusImperialSolitude (Winking Skeever)NoRoomsComplete his favor
StenvarNordWindhelm (Candlehearth Hall)YesHire him at least once
TorvarNordWhiterun (Jorrvaskr)YesComplete the Companions Questline
VilkasNordWhiterun (Jorrvaskr)YesMaster Two-HandedComplete the Companions Questline
VorstagNordMarkarth (Silver-Blood Inn)Bed (Silver-Blood Inn)YesHire him at least once
WilhelmNordIvarstead (Vilemyr Inn)NoRoomsComplete Wilhelm's Specter


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